Public Information Officer:
Dr. Jacob Kalle
Consultant (Academic & Admin.)
Office Superintendent I/c
ICSSR, Southern Regional Centre, Osmania University Main Library
Hyderabad – 500 007, Telangana State, India
Telephone Number: 040 - 27091524
First Appellate Authority:
Prof. B. Sudhakar Reddy
Honorary Director
ICSSR, Southern Regional Centre

Who gives the Information?

The Public Information Officer

How to access information?

Request to be made in writing or electronic form to the Central/State PIO or APIO No reason to be given by the applicant for requesting the information No personal details except that necessary to contact the applicant

What it costs to obtain Information?

Application fee of Rs.10 – by way of cash, DD, or banker’s cheque Rs.2 for each page (A4 or A3 size) created or copies Actual in case of large size paper Actual cost of samples/modules

Exemption from payment of Fees

No fee to be collected from persons who are of below poverty line Applicant should prove by way of a certificate/document that he belongs to BPL No fee if the Public Authority fails to comply with the time limits

Time limit for supply of information

Within 30 days on payment of fees Provide information or reject Within 48 hours if information concerns life or liberty of a person If no reply or information is received as above, it is presumed to have been rejected

What information will not be disclosed?
  • Would cause breach of privilege
  • Trade secrets, IPRs etc.
  • Information available in a fiduciary position
  • Received in confidence from foreign Government
  • Endanger life or physical safety
  • Impede process of investigation
  • Cabinet papers (decision made shall be made public)
  • Unwarranted invasion of privacy of a person