

The Vice-Chancellor of Osmania University is the Chairman of the ICSSR, Southern Regional Centre. He broadly supervises the Centre’s Administration and Academic Activities.

For advising the Chairman of the Centre in the Planning and Development of its programmes, the ICSSR-SRC constitutes, in consultation with the Chairman, an Advisory Committee consisting of representatives of the Social Science Departments of the Universities and Research Institutions in the five Southern States. The tenure of the advisory committee is two years. It meets at least once a year to review the work of the Centre during the preceding year and recommends programmes to be developed during the ensuing year.

Honorary Director

The Honorary Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Southern Regional Centre. His/her powers, duties and responsibilities shall be as defined in the Byelaws. He/she function under the broad directions and guidance of the Advisory Committee of the Southern Regional Centre. He/she shall have powers of supervision and control over the administration, funds and properties of the Southern Regional Centre. The Honorary Director of the Southern Regional Centre shall be ex-officio Member-Secretary of its Advisory Committee and its sub-committees. He/she shall convene the meeting of the Advisory Committee in consultation with the Chairman and Co-Chairman. He shall call upon meetings of all sub-committees. He/she shall be responsible for all administrative, financial and academic matters in the Southern Regional Centre. He/she shall be responsible for preparation of reports of the activities and financial accounts of the Southern Regional Centre. He/she shall prescribe duties to all officers and staff of the Southern Regional Centre and shall exercise supervision and disciplinary control, as may be necessary, subject to the Rules & Regulations and Orders of the Advisory Committee.

In conformity with the aims and objectives of the ICSSR, the Centre has been engaged in various activities essentially for the promotion of social science research in the Southern Region. The progammes may be classified under the following two categories:

Research Promotion
  • Seminars/Conferences/Symposiums/Convention/Workshops etc.
  • Research Methodology Courses
  • Short Duration Research Projects
  • Study Grant
  • Lectures
  • Documentation
Other Services
  • Library
  • Guidance to Research Scholars
  • Guest House
  • Board rooms at Office and Guest House
  • Landscape Garden