Onsite: Seminars/Workshops/Conferences/ Symposia

Guidelines for Applicants

The ICSSR- SRC in its endeavor to encourage and promote Social Science Research in the Southern Region on important issues of social sciences relevance in terms of Research Development and Policy, provides partial financial assistance to organize State/Regional/National seminars/ conferences/ workshops/symposiums.

Thrust Areas identified by ICSSR

Thrust Areas – ICSSR - The applicants may submit seminar proposals in the thrust areas identified by the ICSSR.

1. General Guidelines


1.1 Objectives


1.1.1. To provide partial financial assistance for organizing seminars/ conferences/workshops on themes of contemporary relevance in different disciplines of social science and interdisciplinary social science areas with national or international participation and perspective.

1.1.2. To support seminars/ conferences/workshops on themes of social sciences that involves socially relevant and policy-oriented issues

1.1.3. To promote seminar activities in backward regions, neglected areas and encourage scholars from marginal groups.

1.1.4. The overall objective is to promote the seminars/conferences/workshops that facilitate exchange of views among research scholars and contribute to and enhance the quality of existing social science research.


1.2. Nature and Scope of the Proposal


1.2.1. The theme of the State/Regional/National seminars / conferences/workshops proposal must be within the purview of social sciences. The proposals that do not have significant social science content and perspective, shall not be considered.

1.2.2. The proposals on relevant social science themes should be focused, coherent and realistic in their coverage and scope. The academic background of the convener and paper presenters must be in conformity with the theme of the proposed seminar. The paper presenters and key speakers must be largely social science researchers and academicians.

1.2.3. The Concept Note must specify (a) Background (b) Objectives (c) the research questions being addressed in the seminar (d) Main Themes (e) the sub-themes (f) possible contribution of the Seminar outcome to the existing body of social science research/policy relevance.

1.2.4. As a whole the proposals should be well-conceived on themes of significant social science concerns, inviting broad, interdisciplinary and national/ regional level participation and debate.


2. Eligibility Criteria for Award


2.1 The organizing institution, to which the grant shall release, should be from either of the following categories from Southern Region

a. A government/public funded university/Institution/college recognized by the UGC

b. A government/ public funded research institution recognized by ICSSR

c. A Government Aided institution /College recognized by UGC

d. In case of Private Universities/College/Institution, it is mandatory to submit UGC 12B Certificate.

e. If Others, please provide the details

2.2. An applicant is an individual scholar applying through his/her Institution, he/she can apply only once in a financial year.


3. How to Apply


The applicant need to download the application form from the website i.e., www.srcicssr.org and submit the hard copy of the duly filled in application form alongwith the following requisite documents:


1. The Forwarding Letter and Undertaking from the Registrar/Principal/Director/ Head of the Department of host University/Institution (Format Enclosed)

2. Detailed Concept Note (500-1000 words) with Main Themes, Sub-themes along with the research questions being addressed in the seminar and the possible contribution of the seminar outcome to the existing body of social science research, as Annexure IA. The tentative session-wise program, mentioning the topic of each session and its presenters as Annexure IB. The lists of national and international paper presenters and speakers with their respective affiliations as Annexure IC. Detailed Budget Estimation as Annexure ID (Format Enclosed)

3. A brief CV of the Convener/Director of the Seminar (in 3-4 pages) as Annexure II.

4. A 'Caste Certificate' or 'Person with Disability Certificate' from the competent authority in case the seminar convener belongs to the SC/ST category or a Person with Disability as Annexure III.

5. In case of Private Universities/College/Institution, it is mandatory to submit UGC 12B Certificate.


Note: Incomplete applications and applications without requisite enclosures shall not be considered for funding.


The hard copy of the application along with the above documents may be sent to the following address:-


The Honorary Director
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Southern Regional Centre
(Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)
2nd Floor, New Building, OUCIS Premises
Adjacent to OUCIS
Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad - 500 007

Requests for financial assistance of Rs.1.5 Lakh and above the proposal should be sent to the ICSSR office in New Delhi.


Budget Head

Permissible Budget Heads for Conducting Seminars/Workshops


Budget Head

Percentage of Budget to be allocated


Domestic Travel






Food Expenses



Honorarium to Key Paper Writers & Presenters/lecture deliverer



Contingency/Office Expenses (Including Venue Bookings, Printing, Stationery, Xeroxing, Banner/ Poster, Certificates, Audit Charges)





1. Momentums, Shawls, Bouquets, Garlands and Printing of Souvenir are not permissible.
2. The amount need to be booked against the percentages mentioned above.
3.  The duration of each session is one and a half hours (90 Minutes). There shall be at least 3 lectures per day followed by a detailed discussion/interaction with the participants in the case of an online Research Methodology Course. Resource person may be assigned to a maximum of 2 sessions in the entire course. However, one resource person can be assigned more than two sessions in the entire program in case the resource person has expertise in dealing with some statistical packages or models, where there is a need for earmarking more than two sessions such as SPSS.


4. Procedure for Award of Seminar Grant


4.1. All the proposals that are complete as per the prescribed format, shall be evaluated by an Expert Committee nominated for the purpose by the Chairman, ICSSR-SRC. Approvals/ rejections of proposals shall be as per the recommendations of the Committee.


5. Monitoring/Release of Funds


The financial and other terms and conditions will be as follows:


5.1 The institution/organization should inform the Southern Regional Centre about any financial assistance received from other sources.

5.2. The approved funds will be released in two installments. The first installment of 80% of the sanctioned amount will be released on receipt of the Grant-In-Aid Bill. The Grant-In-Aid Bill should be signed by the Director of the Programme and the Registrar/ Principal/ Finance Officer/ Director of the University/College/ Institution.

5.3. The second and final installment of 20% or less, as the case may be, will be released after the conclusion of the seminar on receipt of the following documents:-


  1. An audited statement of account for the expenditure incurred together with the utilization certificate in GFR 12-A Form (copy enclosed) and Income and Expenditure statement of sanctioned amount or original vouchers.
  2. The Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificate should be signed by 3 people
    • Director,
    • the Registrar/ Principal/ Finance Officer/ Director of the University/ College/ Institution and
    • the Chartered Accountant.
  3. The Programme Director / Institution are advised to pay the Honorarium, Travel, accommodation & food expenses related to the seminar through cheque / online transfer.
  4. Final programme sheet of the Programme including the names of the paper presenters/ resource persons & topics covered (Soft Copy & Hard Copy).
  5. Two complete sets of papers (Hard bound copy and Soft Copy) presented in the Programme.
  6. Abridged/short report on the Programme outlining the overall outcome of the Programme (Soft Copy in word format & Hard Copy).
  7. Detailed report on the day wise proceedings of the Programme, highlighting the objectives and outcome (Soft Copy in word format & Hard Copy).
  8. Photographs taken during the Programme (Soft Copy in JPEG format & Hard Copy).
  9. List of Participants present in the Programme (Soft Copy & Hard Copy)
  10. Please share a copy of the published Programme proceedings/edited volume of the Programme after completion of the programme for keeping a copy of the same in ICSSR – SRC Library.


You are requested to settle the sanctioned grant within 15 days after completion of the Programme.


The cheque will be issued in the name of the Registrar/ Principal/ Finance Officer/ Director of the University/ College/ Institution.

5.4. The accounts relating to the seminar grant will be made available for internal as well as external audit.

5.5. The grantee organization shall be liable to refund the entire grant amount together with the interest @ 10% from the date of encashment of the cheque in case the event did not take place within the stipulated period or the financial year for which the grant had been released.

5.6. The decision of the Honorary Director, ICSSR-SRC on the question whether there has been breach or violation of any of the terms and conditions mentioned herein as well as in the sanction order/letter, shall be final and binding on the grantee.


6. Obligation of the Forwarding Institution


6.1. The forwarding institution, through which ICSSR-SRC grant will be administered, has to provide, an undertaking to administer and manage the ICSSR grant, as per the terms and conditions of the grant as prescribed by ICSSR and provide logistical support for the execution of the grant under the format given in the approval/sanction letter.

6.2. The institution should ensure that the Convener/Director of the seminar submits a detailed report within 10 days after the Seminar/Conference/ workshop/ symposium

6.3. The forwarding institution must submit in the prescribed format a utilization certificate and audited statement of accounts for the total expenditure incurred on the Seminar/Conference /workshop/symposium along with the original or photo copy of the supporting bills and refund the unspent amount of the grant, if any.

6.4. In case of non-fulfillment of any of the Terms & Conditions, the applicant/ organization will not be eligible for further support under any of the schemes of ICSSR-SRC.


7. Publication out of the Programme


Please share a copy of the published Programme proceedings/edited volume of the Programme after completion of the programme for keeping a copy of the same in ICSSR – SRC Library.


Applications, complete in all respects, should be addressed to:

The Honorary Director

Indian Council of Social Science Research
Southern Regional Centre
(Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)
2nd Floor, New Building, OUCIS Premises
Adjacent to OUCIS
Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad - 500 007
Email: srcicssrprograms@gmail.com


Application Form

Format of Forwarding Letter

Format of Budget Estimation